Case Study
Website for Clever Credit.
A credit card for College Students.
Clever Credit

Clever Credit is a FinTech Startup founded by Fernando Gouveia in 2020 in Los Angeles, California. At first, Clever Credit was going to become a credit card for college students, with a significant gamification component. After careful thinking and conversation with investors, they pivot Clever Credit to become a credit card for consumer brands.
At a very early stage of his startup, Clever Credit's founder reached out to Houlak to help him build a modern and appealing one page website.
We worked alongside their graphic designer, and then translated into code what you can see on the screenshots on this page.
The client also wanted to implement a wait list and referral program, so we integrated ReferralHero, a great tool to grow your audience.
The client provided a graphic design that we adapted and coded with HTML5 + CSS + JS.
We made some animations with LottieFiles to make it look cooler, and then we also integrated ReferralHero so people could join a waitlist and send an invitation to their friends also to join the waitlist.
The result was an amazing-looking website that performed great both on desktop and on mobile phones.

"They were very attentive and were legitimately curious about our project. The team proposed new ideas that I believe made our website even better than I expected."
Fernando Gouveia
Founder and CEO, Clever Credit
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